Kids of today are no more satisfied with gaming stations and music systems! They demand mobile phones from parents! Parents however are reluctant to provide children a mobile phone due to many reasons. Though mobiles are used by kids widely, they are not a toy and have to be handled with care. If it is not used with responsibility it brings more harm than good. The only advantage of providing kids with a cell phone is safety concerns. It helps to keep parents in touch with children when they are away from home. Children too can contact parents during emergency.
Some people consider by handling a mobile handset children might have a greater sense of responsibility and make him learn to deal with society. Another advantage pointed out for providing children with a cell phone is that your teen will not keep the home phone constantly engaged. Though the opinions regarding providing mobile handsets to teens are varied, the truth is that the teens are using mobiles widely!
It is the duty of parents to make their children understand the need for using a cell phone responsibly. Some children may be matured enough to take up the responsibility, but all may not be so. Parents have to ensure themselves that their children are ready to shoulder such a responsibility before providing them with the device. Teens are a very vulnerable age and there is every chance of a teen misusing the mobiles. Owning a mobile at an early age might turn them addicted to the device.
Constant short messaging, cell phone games and other add-ons may distract their minds from studies and other activities and tie them up to their cell phones. Further, we hear constant reports of harmful effects of excess mobile phone use.
How can we expose children to these kinds of threats?
New attractive models of mobiles have come up in the market especially for the kid segment. Parents may be providing the children with mobile phones due to concern for their safety but there is every chance of children demanding more advanced and fancy phones. Equipping children with expensive mobiles actually threatens your child's safety by attracting muggers. Providing mobile phones to children is equal to giving them a luxury which is addictive under the pretence of a necessity.
The benefits and disadvantages of supplying children with mobiles have been weighed above. Finally we come to the conclusion that parents are the real judges of the capabilities and needs of their children. It is up to the parents to analyse their children and arrive at the right decision. Consider all the above mentioned facts before you decide to buy a mobile handset for your child.
Never give your child a cell phone if he is demanding it to fit his friends group. Materialistic thinking should not be encouraged in children. It should be explained to children in a proper way it is improper to have a mobile phone at their young age. Keep track of your child's mobile usage by taking up a suitable plan. Do not let marketing tricks get the better of you and let your children take undue advantage of you.
There is no need to entertain all the whims and fancies of your children by constantly upgrading the existing model of their mobiles. Make your child understand they are provided cell phones for the sole reason of safety. Discourage them from spending too much time on mobiles engaging themselves in gaming and other time consuming activities. It is the dream of every parent that their children should grow up to be responsible citizens.